Gone just like that.
I recently asked a friend how do I begin blogging on this page and act like six years didn't just march across my face. Six very interesting years. She said to just do it.
So, here goes.
Shortly around my last entry, my mother's cancer reared its' fugly face again. It decided to take her from us in September 2012. Cancer, you dirty bastard! And the wind was taken from my sails.
And then Christmas that same year, Grandpa Harvey left us. Followed by his wife, Alice, less than two weeks later. (They are pictured together in an earlier post on this blog of mine . They are walking hand in hand by our pond) My mother and the Harvey's loved being out here. I like to think they still come to visit every now and then.
And that's all I've got to say about that.
Good news? I have some!
The following spring, Guy asked me to marry him. In August 2013 we said our I do's in a simple, one room country church in Oak Grove, Oregon.
My great niece Kyla and our grandson Maison-
Beautiful photos by Tracie Rabago Photography
We now have 4 grandchildren with another one on the way! They are fun and am looking for many years ahead of us spent playing with them right here on the Leppin Farm on the Hill!
We have had to let things go around here these past six years - like the peaches!! Who ever thought to grow peaches in the Willamette Valley is glutton for punishment. You need so many chemicals on those things. The raspberries, along with most people around here, were struck with a bad case of root rot. They are gone. We hope to get another crop going. I love raspberries! We planted rhubarb down by the pond, on the lower part of the acreage. After a good spring down pour and then a week of sun, we came back to the crop and discovered a jungle instead. I would need a full time paid hand to keep up on the weeds. Which we were not interested in paying for at the time. Hard to keep up on these things when you work full time. Oh, there is rhubarb down there. You just have to find it. :)
Rhubarb hunt, anyone?
And when one thing dies off, I know for a fact, something is being born-
We have had new family members born, and we have had some pass away. We have had some marry and others divorce.
Our two older puppies are still kicking around stinking up the joint.
We have since gotten another dog. Why? Don't ask.
He was cute. We know Aerona and Max are on their way out of this world.
We live on a farm. Aren't we suppose to have dogs?
Isn't it standard to have a dog that gets sprayed by skunks at 2 in the morning,
rolls around in the cow pasture across the road and eats all the food dropped
on the floor?
No, it isn't a standard?
Well, son of a bitch! Anyone want a dog??
We have had six seasons of putting hay in the barn...
those are always a lively time out here. Tractors, bailers, buckers of all shapes, sizes and breeds.
I can't say enough about the hard working crews that we have had up here.
Some have been our own kids, others we've had to adopt for a couple weeks.
From 2017-
Ok... you are pretty much caught up to speed.
I told you six years go fast!
Current News from the Hill-
We have decided a build a new house. I know, right????
Building our forever home.
Well, Guy is building it.
I am just second guessing him.
He knows just enough about everything to do the job!
And boy does he look FINE doing it!
Anyone get that?
My bedroom view! HEAVEN
Max is digging that view out the master bedroom.
STILL PRETTY! Even amongst the chaos of construction.
Remember when I said I second guess him?
I am really not hard on him.
I do, however, take a lot of pictures.
Can you tell?
See below-
He is hoping to be done August 2018.
He can do it!! Right?
We have some serious parties to host and I have no kitchen.
I am truly looking forward to having a kitchen.
It has been interesting, to say the least.
But I have a good partner who puts up with me when
I complain about living arrangements.
But I will tell you a part of it involves water backing up
into the bathroom when it is raining too hard for the septic to keep up...
See! I told you not to ask.
I have been without a kitchen for over 8 months.
I have been cooking with help of a hot plate, microwave, crock pot,
a traeger, propane bbq, electric griddle and a George Foreman grill.
I am pretty sure my cookbook for dorm living will be a huge hit!! ;)
Things are still absolutely beautiful out here and we are still
amazed every day that we get to call this place home.
Max hanging out with us down at the cabin by the pond.
Looking forward -
Once the house gets completed, I will be starting back on my fairy lanterns.
Elegant Floral in downtown Dallas, on Mill St. has a few left of my last batch to sell.

And with that, you are all up to speed.
(This is basically six years of Facebook stuff anyway)
We have many, many things up our sleeves.
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