I need to do a little back tracking to catch you all up to speed on what has been happening out here since we bought the place. Perhaps I will delve a little deeper into the past, as well. (I do like to ramble.) We received the keys to our new place Friday, the 23 of March. We spent the following 2 days moving just MY house and some of HIS. What some of you don't know, Guy and I have our own houses. We bought this place together to be "ours". We had family members, friends and co-workers (those lines cross) helping with the big move that Saturday. Guy and I were amazed at how much they did. We felt guilty for only having fueled them with the usual Pizza and Beer. However, we knew they would venture out and use our hot tub from time to time or pick some berries or corn when the time was right, so we talked ourselves down from the tall ledge and felt good with the world again.
We had a difficult time moving our things in their proper spots out here at the farm since the inhabitants before us had not fully moved out. And when I say fully, I really mean they left all their SHIT! We had to rent a huge dumpster, and by that again, I mean a dumpster the size of Rhode Island ...during low tide... and the sucker was FULL with trash. We still have some here to do away with that could not fit nor was even legal of disposing. But we were still happy to be here. Ex SHIT and all! We did not get to spend much of that following week out here. We were out in Bridlewood getting my place ready to rent. It was difficult going back to my old place to clean and paint when there was so much to do out here. But we got the place done and rented. One less thing to do. Between doing everything that is over due at the farm, we also have to spend some time at Guy's getting that place ready to rent. I am exhausted just thinking about it!
But we are not working on it tonight, so back to the Farm;
GROW!!!!! GROW!!!!! |
The 30 acres property consists of a huge shop with an office, extra room, loft, bathroom, wood stove and two large bays with over head doors. There is a 2500 sq. ft. barn with 4 stalls that will one day house our baby chickens (out growing in the pump house at this very minute), pigs and a couple feeder cows. (I am done milking anything!) We will eat everything we grow! Except the laying hens. They are worth more alive. The chickens were purchased at Old Mill Feed and Garden April 7th. We decided to take Guy's son Luke and his cousin Corbin into town to "pick up some chicks"! They picked up 8! The man whores!
The hot tub and barn |
The house is a double wide mobile. Nothing to write home about. HOWEVER, it has had some remodeling done to it. It has 3+ bedrooms, 2 baths, big kitchen and a frickin' HOT TUB! The hot tub currently sits empty and has a couple frogs hopping around it, but it works. The house has a nice patio that over looks the pasture. The main picture found on the blog is a view from our master bedroom and the same pond that can be viewed from the front patio. It is pure heaven!
A Fraction of one of the Orchards |
The property has a few orchards with Apple, Peach, Apricot and Pear trees growing throughout them. I thought Guy said something about 240 Peach trees. I am not sure if he said that is what it "FEELS" like we have or actually have. And at this point, does it matter? ;) We have a couple acres of Christmas Trees that my twins are planning on taking care of and earning some extra money this December selling. Today they made a presence in the stand, tried cutting down a few dead trees but left for Salem. I guess they make more money in Salem? Of course, I am not sure how since today was a day off work for both of them. Enough about kids, back to things I can control...There is a small fish pond behind the house with 5 or 6 goldfish or Koi. Have not stopped long enough at the pond to look down to determine this. There is a grape arbor that I butchered the other night while Guy was out mowing the back peach orchard. Apparently I had some vented up anger for something cuz those bushes went down QUICK! I truly hope they come out from pouting and decide to grow. I think they were fully pissed off because I was getting smacked in the face, poked in the eye and once I was even goosed. I am not sure how that happened. We have a half court concrete slab with a basketball hoop that sits under a tall street lamp for night games. Double car garage, HUGE garden, rows and rows of raspberries, corn, cauliflower and rotten onions...mmm.
The 75 pound pisser! |
Now to keep Max, Guy's 75 pound lab, out of the garden and lifting his legs to the tomatoes. I hear that is a turn off at the market. Any suggestions? We have an electric fence around pretty much everything but I was hoping there was a better solution, so when I am in the garden I don't have to worry about him following. Also, everything out here growing has irrigation going to it. It is a pretty sweet set up! That is for sure!
The Larger pond |
We have two ponds at the back of the property. One is fairly large and stocked with fish, the other is tiny and I am pretty sure houses a salamander or two. The very back of the property has some low lying flat areas where the previous owner had cucumbers, squash, etc... The larger raspberry crop is also down there.
Fairy's are here! |
And there is a large stand of fir trees. I look at the small forest and envision battery powered lights hanging, tables and chairs, small pit fires and fairy hunting with the girls. Guy said PAINTBALLING!
I figure we should keep things interesting and do it all at the same time.
We are currently in the process of putting up a kennel for the dogs, building a chicken coop in the barn and doing lots of lots of pruning. All the vegetation around here has been neglected. We have to spread the love. And we have to spread it quick!!
Guy's Mom and Step dad came up this last weekend and helped us with the raspberries. We cut out all the dead and trained the new. That was a huge help. And yesterday while we were in town picking up some fencing materials from a serial killer off craigslist, they delivered a trailer for us to haul around our soon to be pruned limbs! We are currently collecting them for our burn pile. With that being said...BON FIRE TO COME! Stay tuned if you are interested in coming out to smell the smoke and partake in some cold adult beverages. But if you like hot coffee and Irish cream, I am not going to tell you no. Which reminds me. I am thirsty.
I think I pretty much hit all the high points BCF has to offer. If I forgot something, I am pretty sure I will brag and/or blog about it later.
Saying good night from The Leppin Farm On The Hill.