Thursday, April 19, 2012

Learning new things

I am trying to get this farming thing down with baby steps. However, I am learning things every day. Such as, cow pastures to dogs are like liquor stores to my family. You get shit faced from either one! Never leave the container on the counter in which you save things for the compost. You just take that crap out every night! Not just when it gets full! P effing U!  I just got done washing the bottom of mine out. GAG!

I have also learned that chickens grow fast! My honey and I need to make their small home a wee bit larger this weekend. They are still not yet ready for the coop. Which is good, since we haven't even started on it. And by we, I really mean Guy. I just stand there and take pictures of him and hand him tools, if I know what is what. I am his #1 fan and cheerleader. You know that couple where the man is working and the girl is sitting around watching or trying to help. That is Guy and I. I hope it doesn't bother him too much. He always says he likes it when I follow him around but I feel like I should be doing more. But we really like doing things together. And by we, I really mean me!! ;)

I have learned that farm houses have dirt on the floor and muddy paw prints on the door. And vice versa at times. Mason jars sometimes end up with the drinking glasses in the cupboard. Birds sound different in the country. Happier. Sunsets are breath taking and life slows down.

I am still learning and enjoying every minute of it.

Good evening everyone!!

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