Friday, April 27, 2012

Getting caught up

I figure it was about time I write about last weekend before this weekend is fully upon us.

Last Saturday was pretty uneventful at the farm. But I will fill you in on our Bridlewood Adventure! ;)

We needed to get the rest of my stored items out of the storage shed  up at my old place (Our Dallas Rental) since my sister (Our wonderful tenant) will be needing the extra space it provides. While we were there, Russ (my sisters man, a.k.a. Cupcake or Ross) asked us up to have a look around the condo now that they had pretty much moved in their stuff. (It looks pretty good!) They pointed out what appeared to be a soft spot in the ceiling above the toilet in the downstairs bathroom. Guy immediately went upstairs to the second bathroom that sits perfectly vertical with it. Having known he had just taken the 2nd story toilet out a few weeks prior, he figured it might be leaking and in need of a new wax ring. I won't go into why he had to remove the toilet in the first place, but let me just add that the melted wax from Scentsy warmers and toilet bowls do not mix. Actually, it is just the opposite. But let me tell you, when Guy had the toilet upside down in the shower flushing it with hot water to melt the wax, it sure smelled good.

After running to Van Well's twice, a finger puncture in the dry wall to decide that needed to be removed and a piece of cardboard to spread the mud, we had completed the repair. Thank god the leak had been repaired prior to me buying the place and what we fixed was just the damage that was left over. However, we still need to go back tomorrow morning to paint. No worries. Should not take but a minute and we have too much work to do on the farm to dilly dally over how cute that picture is that Amy hung in the hallway. (Although I do it anyway!)

Sunday was far more productive. We had a morning visit from Guy's Uncle Vern and Guy's mom Grace. They cruised up on his Harley and it sure made the farm look pretty as it sat in our driveway. We gave him the tour of the place that consisted of a stroll down the the pond. Sure... it might have been a stroll down but a frickin' hike back!!! UGH! Good workout!! However,  I was so glad we had to stop once and awhile to rest with Grace who just had back surgery a couple months back. (Thank you Grace)

After our company departed us we hit the orchards and pruned the back peach orchard and the Apricots out front. We should have held a funeral for the Apricots. They look dead to me.

It was time to have some fun!! About 4  p.m. that afternoon we put away our clippers, cleaned up and headed to Nett and Dan Chasse's house. They were hosting a family get together since my nephew Johnathan was in town from Alaska. We had a great afternoon at their place. You can actually see the Chasse's place from our house and vice versa. We roasted weenies over the fire pit and enjoyed the yummy pasta salad my daughter in law brought. There was lots of other good food but I really liked the salad! And I am not just saying that to avoid having my son and daughter in law throw me in some old folks home at first chance. But if it helps...that salad was the best I ever had!!!

So, the weekend was fabulous aside from the hiccup at the Rental. But no worries. Better to take care of that stuff then really pay for it later. Besides, I got to visit with my sister and Cindy! Love those girls!

This last week Guy and I took Tuesday off so we could get some extra things done like the mowing, the garden, etc... It rained...inside and out. Not literally but everything we tried to complete, we seemed to hit a road block. Frustrating day! The second half was far more productive than the first half. We went to Lowe's and purchased a new kitchen faucet, shower head, swivel mirror and extra towel racks for our bathroom...and a couple other things for the outside. Guy had everything swapped out and installed in no time. The next morning I felt like a princess showing under my new shower head and using my adorable swivel mirror to pick my face under 7X the magnitude! Pure awesome! 

Last night we increased the size of the Party Pen in the Pump House. The girls now have a larger area with a larger feeder and waterer. They better slow down on their eating binges or they will be finger lickin' good instead of my egg layers! The only thing that will keep them from the oven is a spider friend with great talent for spelling!

We also spent a couple hours in the shop building Guy's work bench. And again, when I say we, I really mean Guy! I just sat there in front of the fire taking pictures of things listening to the music and drinking beer. I am good at that!


Today is Friday and we are gearing up for another fun weekend full of mowing the grass, which already seems to be a foot high, cleaning out the raised beds for my garden, organizing the shop, hosting a small family gathering Saturday night, and on and on! We hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Go and get dirty!!

Here are a few pictures from the last weekend.

The start of my weekend. Friday night from Leppin Farm!

The Bees are out and happy as ever!

One of my beds by the house.
Saturday also consisted of Mower Repairs.

My sister Tracie is taking a picture of the Leppin Farm on the Hill from it's perspective from the Chasse's place.

Here is the proof of my evening in the shop while Guy worked. ;) I love him so much!!!

The back of a Model T Truck makes for a great saw horse!

Finished project!

Even the dogs were hard at work.

Just having fun with my camera.

Come back again!

Monday, April 23, 2012


I sure am glad some of you are enjoying this blog. Some are finding it funny and some are finding it, well, funny. I mean, the "point and snicker" at funny. It's all good. I love being the person that people point and snicker about. Especially for the reason you do it. ;)  Pointing at YOU and snickering...

And because of that, this blog will remain what it is. Me understanding what it's like to have a farm and a wonderful man to enjoy it with and writing about it to keep my wits about me. If you enjoy it, while rolling your eyes or not; thank you for enjoying it.

We had another wonderful weekend full of family, friends, dogs and good weather! I will write about soon before I forget. Thanks everyone for the nice comments!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Party In The Pump House!!

I will take a corn margarita...

Chicken Dance going on in the pump house!

Sitting alone at the bar, trying not to appear too desperate!

Must be some good music playing that I can't hear!

Girls Night

Nice evening at the Leppin Farm on The Hill

From our deck...can't wait to see it with leaves!

Chicks and wine

The chickens moved up from the feeder without the the feeder WITH the jar! :) That should keep them happy for a day or so.

Max and I are both sad the Master of the Farm is gone tonight for his last graveyard shift (fingers crossed) so we will drink this bottle of wine. And maybe another...kidding...maybe... ;)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Learning new things

I am trying to get this farming thing down with baby steps. However, I am learning things every day. Such as, cow pastures to dogs are like liquor stores to my family. You get shit faced from either one! Never leave the container on the counter in which you save things for the compost. You just take that crap out every night! Not just when it gets full! P effing U!  I just got done washing the bottom of mine out. GAG!

I have also learned that chickens grow fast! My honey and I need to make their small home a wee bit larger this weekend. They are still not yet ready for the coop. Which is good, since we haven't even started on it. And by we, I really mean Guy. I just stand there and take pictures of him and hand him tools, if I know what is what. I am his #1 fan and cheerleader. You know that couple where the man is working and the girl is sitting around watching or trying to help. That is Guy and I. I hope it doesn't bother him too much. He always says he likes it when I follow him around but I feel like I should be doing more. But we really like doing things together. And by we, I really mean me!! ;)

I have learned that farm houses have dirt on the floor and muddy paw prints on the door. And vice versa at times. Mason jars sometimes end up with the drinking glasses in the cupboard. Birds sound different in the country. Happier. Sunsets are breath taking and life slows down.

I am still learning and enjoying every minute of it.

Good evening everyone!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mushy Stuff you don't have to read! But please do!

I am not sure if any of you are aware of the fact that
Guy and I have known each other for many, many moons.

Guy lived around the corner from me when we were in Junior high and Freshman
in high school. One of my first memories of Guy was playing with his chemistry
set at his house one day after school. We shared a science class, if I recall and he
had mentioned to me he had received the set as a Christmas or birthday gift.
I can't remember if we walked or rode the bus home together that day but
 I remember clearly thinking "This is nothing I would norrmaly do and not with
anyone I would normally do it with" but I do recall we had a lot of fun.
Guy and I always got along but we ran in  different circles.

He was the kid in the class that was always listening in on my conversations with a
big goofy grin on his face. (He still gets that same look and it is one of my favorite things about him.)  But imagine being in the 7th grade, sitting there with a few of your friends laughing
and telling stories and suddenly feel a creeper… you look around the room, and there is Guy.
Leaning in, mouth open with a half grin on his face and eyebrows high… I would stop, slowly, all the
heads turn and look at Guy. I would just laugh…never mean. Some friends would smirk at him.
But he was always nice to me and vice versa! Besides that, his baby sister Jessica Dockins was always at our house or my little brothers were at hers. And she had the same look… except she would sit under our kitchen table and just observe our household. Which was pure entertainment alone! She would sit there and take it all in with a goofy smile on her face like she was experiencing something she wasn't suppose to be experiencing...ha ha ha! We always had a FULL house of people coming and going of all ages and sizes. Arguments, pranks, conversations…Jessica had a front row seat to it all. (Sorry Grace…if she had any bad habits, blame my mother…It wasn’t me!)

Any whooo back to the CHEMISTRY…

oh la la!

So, when Guy and I were done making our chemistry together and it was time to go home,
his shiny new test tubes and vials, that had been full of this and that, were now
nearly emptied and coated with gunk running down their sides. I expressed my concern
that he might get into trouble for having ruined, what I thought, was a gift that should have
been taken care of better. I remember him shrugging his shoulders, like it was no big deal.
His only comment was, "Well, we had fun!"

We did have fun. I remember it like it was yesterday. I never told my friends about that afternoon
nor did I ever. Especially when my best friend of all time told me later that year that she was in love with Guy Leppin.
I remember turning to her and saying "WHAT?? Guy LeppiNN??" (This is important that you put the emphasis on the N! ) Lucky's response…"yeah, he is funny and he is kinda cute. Don't you think?"... I said nothing and just shrugged my shoulders. I really couldn't say anything. He was funny…in a goofy kind of way. And he was kinda cute, if you liked shorties. (He was shorter than I was back then) By the time we hit high school I was a cheerleader and he was in 4H or FFA or the CIA, I can't remember… and he was just the kid around the corner I use to play with but now we were worlds apart. He moved to California that year and I had not seen him for almost 25 years.

So, let's fast forward to New Years Eve 2010- I did not plan on going out to celebrate, nor did I want to go to the bar. But for some reason, that is just where I ended up. And I am so glad I did! Guy was there with his little sister. Except this time she was NOT hanging out under the table gawking at everyone, she was out on the dance floor with her older, now much TALLER and good looking brother. I said to myself…"WHHAT?? Guy LeppiNN???? - I am in trouble!"

Ten days later he bought me a Chemistry set for my birthday hoping we could spark some old memories.
Guy and I were discussing the other day that perhaps we somehow cooked up a 25 year love potion that day after school at his house, that would not reach its' potency until Dec. 31, 2010. I would not doubt it. 

Aaaaand we have work to do…so good bye!  Ha!

Guy, Freshman year with his 4H Group

So cool! Dance Team 7th grade. I am in the back on the right.

7th or 8th...can't remember. Cute kid...but a short kid!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What a weekend!

You know those weekends that seem like it was over in an instant and yet you did enough to fill an entire week? Well, I keep having them. This weekend was full of events that started early Saturday morning. You can read about that in my previous entry. Here are just the highlights of our weekend.

Saturday morning about 11:30, I awoke Guy so he could get his day started. Keep in mind the poor man has been working graveyards so he had only been sleeping for a few hours before I went in to fetch him. The previous owner, Lorin, had made plans to come out about noon or so. This was a difficult visit. You see Lorin is dying of cancer. You can just tell how much he loved this farm in the way he planted his orchards and cared for his home. And he was content that afternoon with just looking around and enjoying the wonderful view. It was a short visit but full of interesting tidbits on what was planted where and when. The tumor in his brain is gaining in size and now he wears a patch over one eye since his vision is affected. His memory is being eaten away by his disease and he apologized for not getting up here sooner. That made me feel a little odd since I felt as if I should be apologizing for expressing the happiness for our fortune at the cost of his misfortune. Very odd feeling indeed. His entire face lit up when we told him he was welcome to come up at anytime. He was thrilled with the idea of just driving up here to take in the view. Lorin doesn't think he has much time left. He is not being pessimistic in his evaluations but more realistic. He knows he is bad off. We expressed that he needed to hang around to see the first crop. And if he could not come up and see it, then we would deliver it to him! He really liked that thought! How could your heart NOT break?

After Lorin's departure, we came back in the house and realized we needed to get out of our funk and get some work done. Jumped in the suburban and went to Rickreall for supplies. One file for sharpening the blade on the chain saw, one 50 pound bag of dog food, and a ball hitch so we could hook up the trailer that Guy's mother Grace had gotten him for his birthday/father's Day/Palm Sunday/Full moon and You got yourself a farm present!! We came away with all of it but the ball hitch. WTH AG WEST HARDWARE??

Cruised into the Big D for beer. Because that is always called for on a sunny Saturday full of work that includes driving a tractor! Stopped off at his Grandparents house so we could check out how they tame their raspberry bushes. While we were there Guy's grandpa had fixed him up with a ball hitch AND a battery for the riding lawn mower! TAKE THAT AG WEST HARDWARE! ;)

Back at the farm... after some mickey mouse engineering. Guy had the trailer and tractor all ready to go. With just him and I as the work crew, we paraded that tractor/trailer around the house trimming everything that looked over grown or dead. Throwing the clippings into the trailer. We even pulled out a few bushes just because we could! TAKE THAT AG WEST HARDWARE!

We have quite the burn pile going on! We made a few trips down the driveway to the "crater" in front of the shop. Guy driving the tractor while I sat on the side board behind him. LIFE IS GOOD!

Sunday morning started with a visit from the Rabago's. My sister Tracie, brother in law Eddie and Kimber came out to visit. My niece Kimber hadn't seen our place yet nor the baby chickens! Tracie also wanted to get some pictures taken for her website. If you can, check it out...there are extra pics of the farm on her BLOG and she is just a great photographer.

My mother, in danger of falling out. ;)

My parents came out shortly after they left. We gave them the tour and Guy had the idea to throw some hay bales into the back of the trailer and give us a ride down to the pond. We had a great time. My dad had a white knuckle ride out of "fear that my mother was going to fall out"...wink wink...she was perfectly fine and enjoying the ride! Hay rides with Coors light...what else is there in life? She was enjoying the moment.

Soon after the trip to the pond, Alice and Frank Harvey (Guy's Grandparents) and Grace and Allen Hibbs (Guy's Mom and Step Dad) joined the party. We all visited together down in the shop for a little while and then my parents left. Guy wanted to take the Harvey's and Hibbs to the pond, too! Well Hells Bells, thanks to Frank Harvey and his ball hitch, we were able to do just that! TAKE THAT AG WEST HARDWARE!

Down by the pond, we emptied the wagon and walked a little while Guy turned the tractor around. Grace pointed out this very sweet scene unfolding in front of me.

Alice and Frank... still holding hands after all these years. Gives me hope! And an understanding of where Guy gets his loving personality. I have this to look forward to, as well! 

So, this weekend was full of parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, nieces, smelly dogs, kisses, hugs, tears, sweat, hay rides, laughter and BEER!!! I hope Guy and I have many, many, many together JUST LIKE THEM!!!!


I am tired and missing my man. Good night everyone... hold tight to those you these small hours. ;) (Thanks Tracie, I am singing it still!)

Here are some random shots from Saturday evening. I sat and enjoyed the last few of sun rays while my man mowed the lower orchard.

Saturday evening mowing of the front Orchard
He is watching over his Master

Sun in the eyes, no make up...Life doesn't get better than that! :)

Older orchard

Loving the farm!


Best looking man ever to be on a tractor!

He has quite an audience! 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

My Saturday morning...

So far I have taken the mail down to the mailbox, broke down all the boxes on my patio, swept, recycled all the bottles and cans, restocked the wood crib, swept again, packed the truck with stuff to go to the shop, drank two cups of coffee, checked on the baby chicks, cleaned their water dispenser, fed the dogs and now I am ready for a nap. What time is it? 10 a.m.? Holy cow! I'm going back to bed. ;) 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Evening view from the Leppin Farm on the Hill

Just thought I would share some photos from my lovely evening at home... I will journal at the end of the weekend to fill you in on anything that was cut off, bruised, poked, swore at, crapped on or broke.
Enjoy your weekend and come back soon!

First Payment Due!

OUCH!! Just wrote the first mortgage payment for Leppin Farm. That's gonna leave a mark!
Still worth every penny and then some! I have a view out every window. Acres and acres to enjoy with the best man on the earth! And I am sure he feels the same. ;)

The first week we were here a bald eagle flew by the front window. It was being chased by a hawk half it's size.

This weekends weather looks promising. We have tons of trees to prune and about a million projects to get going on. But that is tomorrow. As Kenny Rogers said "We've got tonight. Who needs tomorrow?" I'll drink to that Kenny! Cheers!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I need to do a little back tracking to catch you all up to speed on what has been happening out here since we bought the place. Perhaps I will delve a little deeper into the past, as well. (I do like to ramble.) We received the keys to our new place Friday, the 23 of March. We spent the following 2 days moving just MY house and some of HIS. What some of you don't know, Guy and I have our own houses. We bought this place together to be "ours".  We had family members, friends and co-workers (those lines cross) helping with the big move that Saturday. Guy and I were amazed at how much they did. We felt guilty for only having fueled them with the usual Pizza and Beer. However, we knew they would venture out and use our hot tub from time to time or pick some berries or corn when the time was right, so we talked ourselves down from the tall ledge and felt good with the world again.

We had a difficult time moving our things in their proper spots out here at the farm since the inhabitants before us had not fully moved out. And when I say fully, I really mean they left all their SHIT! We had to rent a huge dumpster, and by that again, I mean a dumpster the size of Rhode Island ...during low tide... and the sucker was FULL with trash. We still have some here to do away with that could not fit nor was even legal of disposing. But we were still happy to be here. Ex SHIT and all!  We did not get to spend much of that following week out here. We were out in Bridlewood getting my place ready to rent. It was difficult going back to my old place to clean and paint when there was so much to do out here. But we got the place  done and rented. One less thing to do. Between doing everything that is over due at the farm, we also have to spend some time at Guy's getting that place ready to rent. I am exhausted just thinking about it!

But we are not working on it tonight, so back to the Farm;

GROW!!!!! GROW!!!!!
The 30 acres property consists of a huge shop with an office, extra room, loft, bathroom, wood stove and two large bays with over head doors. There is a 2500 sq. ft. barn with 4 stalls that will one day house our baby chickens (out growing in the pump house at this very minute), pigs and a couple feeder cows. (I am done milking anything!) We will eat everything we grow! Except the laying hens. They are worth more alive. The chickens were purchased at Old Mill Feed and Garden April 7th. We decided to take Guy's son Luke and his cousin Corbin into town to "pick up some chicks"! They picked up 8! The man whores!

The hot tub and barn
The house is a double wide mobile. Nothing to write home about. HOWEVER, it has had some remodeling done to it. It has 3+ bedrooms, 2 baths, big kitchen and a frickin' HOT TUB! The hot tub currently sits empty and has a couple frogs hopping around it, but it works. The house has a nice patio that over looks the pasture. The main picture found on the blog is a view from our master bedroom and the same pond that can be viewed from the front patio. It is pure heaven!

A Fraction of one of the Orchards
The property has a few orchards with Apple, Peach, Apricot and Pear trees growing throughout them. I thought Guy said something about 240 Peach trees. I am not sure if he said that is what it "FEELS" like we have or actually have. And at this point, does it matter? ;) We have a couple acres of Christmas Trees that my twins are planning on taking care of and earning some extra money this December selling. Today they made a presence in the stand, tried cutting down a few dead trees but left for Salem. I guess they make more money in Salem? Of course, I am not sure how since today was a day off work for both of them. Enough about kids, back to things I can control...There is a small fish pond behind the house with 5 or 6 goldfish or Koi. Have not stopped long enough at the pond to look down to determine this. There is a grape arbor that I butchered the other night while Guy was out mowing the back peach orchard. Apparently I had some vented up anger for something cuz those bushes went down QUICK! I truly hope they come out from pouting and decide to grow. I think they were fully pissed off because I was getting smacked in the face, poked in the eye and once I was even goosed. I am not sure how that happened. We have a half court concrete slab with a basketball hoop that sits under a tall street lamp for night games. Double car garage, HUGE garden, rows and rows of raspberries, corn, cauliflower and rotten onions...mmm.

The 75 pound pisser!
Now to keep Max, Guy's 75 pound lab, out of the garden and lifting his legs to the tomatoes.  I hear that is a turn off at the market. Any suggestions? We have an electric fence around pretty much everything but I was hoping there was a better solution, so when I am in the garden I don't have to worry about him following. Also, everything out here growing has irrigation going to it. It is a pretty sweet set up! That is for sure!

The Larger pond
We have two ponds at the back of the property. One is fairly large and stocked with fish, the other is tiny and I am pretty sure houses a salamander or two. The very back of the property has some low lying flat areas where the previous owner had cucumbers, squash, etc... The larger raspberry crop is also down there.

Fairy's are here!

And there is a large stand of fir trees. I look at the small forest and envision battery powered lights hanging, tables and chairs, small pit fires and fairy hunting with the girls. Guy said PAINTBALLING!

 I figure we should keep things interesting and do it all at the same time.

We are currently in the process of putting up a kennel for the dogs, building a chicken coop in the barn and doing lots of lots of pruning. All the vegetation around here has been neglected. We have to spread the love. And we have to spread it quick!!

Guy's Mom and Step dad came up this last weekend and helped us with the raspberries. We cut out all the dead and trained the new. That was a huge help. And yesterday while we were in town picking up some fencing materials from a serial killer off craigslist, they delivered a trailer for us to haul around our soon to be pruned limbs! We are currently collecting them for our burn pile. With that being said...BON FIRE TO COME! Stay tuned if you are interested in coming out to smell the smoke and partake in some cold adult beverages. But if you like hot coffee and Irish cream, I am not going to tell you no. Which reminds me. I am thirsty.

I think I pretty much hit all the high points BCF has to offer. If I forgot something, I am pretty sure I will brag and/or blog about it later.

Saying good night from The Leppin Farm On The Hill.


It is hard to believe we actually did it! Last month Guy and I purchased a 30 acre farm in Perrydale. After months and months of hard work, we closed on March 21, 2012. We had to be creative when financing this type of operation, but we knew it was worth it. LITERALLY! We practically STOLE IT! And because of that, I am thinking of renaming it the Bonnie & Clyde Farm. But The Leppin Farm on the Hill sounds more inviting.

I am not a person who naturally abides to a schedule, so this life up here on the farm will be interesting. Along with the fact that I have never lived on a farm nor have I done any farming, other than collecting strawberries in the field as a young girl, I have never once cleaned out a stall or fell out of a loft. Ok, I did once, but that was not my fault and there was no farming involved! So with that said, I promise to share all the funny, stupid and embarrassing things we do out here on The Leppin Farm on the Hill. Or the "BCF" for those of you who will be early followers of this blog.

Come back soon!

Let's get growing...I mean going.